Cultivating Peace in Colombia
After 52 years of conflict, in 2016 a historic peace agreement was reached, opening up new opportunities for ethical crops.
Mora and Lulo are largely grown by smallholder farmers, many diversifying from coffee. Our supplier pays farmers the day after delivery (instead of 90 days i.e. 12 lorries of fruit), and partners with UNDP, expanding into post-conflict areas.
The greatest challenge now is climate extremes exacerbated by El Niño/La Niña. So Berraquera has launched Project Refresh.
Reconciliation: Roncesvalles, Tolima
Berraquera Mora is from Roncesvalles, natural paradise of Tolima.
Roncesvalles is a ZOMAC: Zone Most Affected by Conflict. The town is also a pioneer in reconciliation: the first municipality where the FARC made a public apology for taking over in July 2000.
Asotolda has been growing Mora since 2014, starting with 53 farmers and 74,200 bushes. In 2016 they were hit by El Niño (drought) but have built production back up to 20 tonnes/week.
Territory of Learning, Belén de Umbría, Risaralda
20 years ago the conflict was rife in Belén. Belén is now a model of good practice for mora, lulo, plantain, cocoa … and peace prevails.
Territory of Learning, a second-level association formed by 10 producer associations, hosts week-long visits of smallholders to learn good agricultural, post-harvest and entrepreneurial practices.
The Mora & Lulo Routes take visiting groups to the farms of Asomobel & Aslubel, where Project Refresh pilots are sited.
Project Refresh
Inspired by the Fairtrade Premium, we consulted the farmers and their social programme manager on their greatest needs.
El verano, a twice-yearly dry season, usually falls December – February and June – July. At best it generates a lot of extra work watering the crops. At worst it is exacerbated by El Niño (drought), devastating crops and destroying harvests.
The result was Project Refresh, drip-feeding a rotating fund for Dew Collectors and Drip Irrigation. See also Project Refresh on Facebook.

600 Trays ~ 100% financed!
Dew Collector Trays
Dew Collector Trays, see video, reduce demand for water by 50%+; retain moisture in the soil & eliminate weeds which compete for scarce water. Berraquera invests 2.5% of Mora sales.
Goal: £3k for pilot pallet 600 Dew Collectors. Achieved! 600 trays arrived in Colombia 1st Jan 2021
Drip Irrigation
A pilot hectare was installed in March 2019 for lulo, see photos. It lasts 7 years (i.e. 3 x 2-yr cycles of lulo). Local systems last only 2-3 years.
Goal: £1.5k for 10,000m2 Drip Irrigation for Mora: Achieved! Money sent to Asmobel 29 Jul 2020.